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Knowledge base
Mobius for QuickBooks Online
Mobius - Start Here
Gozynta Mobius Demo
QuickBooks Online System Requirements
Gozynta Mobius - Setup Guide for QuickBooks Online
Welcome to our Knowledge Base
How do I login to Gozynta Mobius for QuickBooks Online?
View all 15
Mobius - Configuration
How do I configure Gozynta Mobius?
Recommended Configuration Steps
Custom security role
How to Create your API Member for Mobius
ConnectWise PSA Configuration
View all 48
Mobius - FAQ
Gozynta FAQs
How does Mobius compare with WiseSync?
How do I sign up for Gozynta Mobius for QuickBooks Online?
How do I add a user to my account?
How do I prevent specific invoices/expenses/POs from being batched? How do I clear old transactions in ConnectWise PSA?
View all 36
Mobius - Troubleshooting
How do I unbatch an invoice, expense, or PO?
The connection was made and is owned by another user
The connection to QuickBooks Online is no longer active.
A payment is not syncing to an invoice in ConnectWise PSA.
Gozynta Mobius is not syncing GL entries to QuickBooks Online
View all 33
Mobius - Help! I received an error!
Failed Creating Item "Service-" in QuickBooks Online If Necessary (Known Issue)
Invalid Tax Rate : Invalid tax rate id - # (Known Issue)
I received a Warning saying an Item is already mapped to a different GL Account. What does this mean?
Account was not specified
The name supplied already exists. Another Customer, Vendor, or Employee is already using this name. Please use a different name
View all 57
Mobius - Best Practices
Handling of Payments and Credit Memos
Un-batch an Invoice, Expense, or Purchase Order - Best Practice
AutoSync - Best Practices
Invoice Creation in QuickBooks Online - Best Practice
Customer and Vendor Mapping - Best Practice
View all 14
Mobius - Release Notes & Updates
Gozynta Mobius Feature Releases
Known Issue (RESOLVED V1.13): Expenses prematurely marked as batched (731)
Known Issue (RESOLVED): GL Entries Missing for Products on Invoices that are Applied to Agreements
Known Issue: Product Category Mapping (779)
Payments - Start Here
Gozynta Payments Demo
Are you ready to accept credit cards and ACH payments from your customers with Gozynta Payments?
Payments - Configuration
Payments Setup
Payments - FAQ
Gozynta Payments FAQs
How do I resend an invoice?
How to invoice using QuickBooks payments?
Payments - Troubleshooting
Payments - Help! I received an error!
Payments - Best Practices
Tixt: Texting to Service Tickets
Tixt - Start Here
Tixt demo video
How do I sign up for a free trial?
Tixt user guide
What is the Tixt workflow?
Tixt - How do I find my account details?
View all 16
Tixt - Configuration
ConnectWise PSA Configuration - Tixt
ConnectWise PSA Connection - Tixt
Tixt Custom Security Role
How to set up my Ticket Creation Number?
Sync Configuration
View all 10
Tixt - FAQ
Can I use my existing number?
Why does US and Canada price difference (tixt)
Can I port my number out if I decide to cancel Tixt?
How does Tixt choose how to match a number to a contact?
Is Tixt HIPAA compliant?
View all 14
Troubleshooting - Tixt
Callback Stuck?
This contact is in CW but went to the Catchall company
This ticket may be deleted
I can't find my Tixt pod
Tixt not picking up the correct phone number for the contact
View all 8
Tixt - Help! I received an error!
Too many open SMS Tickets against Tixt Number
"Failed to format contact number to E.164. Please set Country on Contact"
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api-na.myconnectwise.net', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)
Permission denied accessing server.
Webroot - Start Here
How do I set up the Webroot Integration for ConnectWise PSA?
User Guide for the Webroot Integration
What does the Webroot integration do?
Webroot - Configuration
What does the Webroot Integration do?
Requirements for Webroot Integration
ConnectWise Manage Configuration for Webroot Integration
Webroot Global Site Manager (Webroot Console) Configuration
Setting of the Webroot Integration
View all 7
Webroot - Troubleshooting
Webroot integration creates a new billing line with total licenses
"This is embarrasing" error
Auto-Sync next billing date incorrect
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