
Invalid Tax Rate : Invalid tax rate id - #


This can be caused for a number of reasons. Usually this is caused by a GL entry missing an account. Recently this error is being presented because ConnectWise PSA is failing to load the Revenue-Agreements Products Line. Mobius needs these lines to successfully map taxes and batch over the invoice. If there is no line entry with taxes mapped, Mobius will display the invalid tax rate error.


To verify this is the issue, You will need to look at your GL Entries on the invoice or credit memo that will not sync over

1. GL Entries on the affected invoice or credit memo
  • Navigate to Finance > Accounting Interface > Unposted Invoices > Click on Invoice or Credit Memo  > Click GL Entries at the top of the screen
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

2. If you are missing the "Revenue-Agreements Products" lines, then this is the root cause of why the invoice will not batch.

There have been some cases reported where some of the Products will map but some will not. In this case you will want to take the total invoice amount and start deducting line items in the GL Entries Tab. If the Revenue Lines, Revenue-Agreements, Revenue-Agreements Products, and tax lines do not add up to the total, you are also affected by this issue. 


ConnectWise has announced the the patch will be released on January 10, 2024 at 9:00 PM EST

 When this issue is released, follow the steps below to update GL Entries:

  1. Verify the Invoice is closed and not batched over.
  2. Navigate to Finance > Accounting Interface.
  3. Navigate to the Invoices tab and select all invoices.
  4. Select Actions > Update GL entries.

After completing these steps, GL Entries should be updated again on the invoice selected.