The ConnectWise PSA Configuration page allows the setup of a single connection to your Manage company. It will require a member login with access to the required modules and proper credentials to access the REST API. After the initial onboarding, your ConnectWise PSA configuration can be edited from the side navigation under Configurations > ConnectWise PSA Setup.

  1. Site – The URL used to connect to ConnectWise PSA. Example URLS:,,,,, or

  2. Company ID – The Company ID used to login to ConnectWise PSA. The Company ID can be found on the ConnectWise PSA login screen.

  3. Rest Authentication Type – Select APIKey or MemberImpersonation

  4. Public Key / Private Key (APIKey) – To obtain a public and private key, log into ConnectWise PSA and click on your user in the upper right-hand corner, then go to My Account. Click on the API Key tab and generate a new API Key.

  5. Member Name (MemberImpersonation) – A ConnectWise PSA Member ID (that could be used on the ConnectWise PSA login screen).

  6. Integrator Username / Password (MemberImpersontation) – To obtain an Integrator Username/Password, log into ConnectWise PSA and navigate to the "Integrator Login" Setup Table. Create a new Integrator Login specifying desired Username/Password and click to select "All Records" under Access Level and "Member" under API Name Integration.

Please note that if you change your ConnectWise PSA Connection, you will need to re-establish your Sync Configuration. Be aware that any SMS Tickets created with your previous ConnectWise PSA connection will no longer be processed. Updating your ConnectWise PSA connection to the previous environment will resume processing of SMS Tickets created with your previous ConnectWise PSA connection.