ConnectWise Manage Webroot Integration

The ConnectWise Manage Webroot Integration is a web service that allows you to update Manage Company Agreements with data from the Webroot GSM console. The Integration provides a user interface to map GSM data to Manage Agreements.

Before setting up and using the integration you will need to configure ConnectWise Manage and configure Webroot Global Site Manager Configuration. After completing the steps described above you can continue with setting up the Webroot integration.

You can access the Integration’s User Interface at: 

Company Creation

If you are first setting up your company within the integration you must register your company with the integration by selecting “Sign Up” on the “Login Options” Menu on the Integration home page. You will be brought to the following screen.

Fill in each of the fields. All fields are required.

  • Company Name.

  • Primary Time Zone.

  • Manage company ID. (Used to log in to Manage)

  • Manage Site. (The Site you navigate to in order to log in to Manage)

  • Your Name.

  • Your Email Address. This will be used to create your account.

The User who registers the Company will have an email sent to them to finish setting up their User Account.

Account Creation

During the initial setup of your Integration, you will receive an e-mail that contains a unique login link. Once you receive the email and follow the link you will see the following screen.

Enter your desired Integration account password in the “Password” field. Then confirm the desired password in the “Retype Password” field.

Logging In

You can access the Integration at:

Following this link will present you with the login page.

Enter your ConnectWise Manage Webroot Integration account email address in the “Email Address” field.

Enter your ConnectWise Manage Webroot Integration account password in the “Password” field.

Account Setup

When logging in to the Integration for the first time your home page will show a “Configurations” section of the user dashboard page. The first required step is to configure your Manage connection. You can click the “Configure ConnectWise” or “Configure Webroot” links in either the Configuration section on the navigational sidebar. 

Configure ConnectWise Manage

The Manage Configuration page allows the setup of a single Manage connection to your Manage company. It will require a member login with access to the Agreements module and proper credentials to access the REST API. 

You need to complete this first before proceeding further because you will need API keys for further configuration.

For instructions see ConnectWise Manage Configuration

To set up your Manage API connection, fill in the correct information for Site, Company ID, Username, Public Key, and Private Key.

Configure Webroot

The Webroot Configuration page allows configuration of one connection to your Webroot GSM Console. 

First you need to configure the login for the integration in Webroot Global Site Manager ( )

For the instructions see Webroot Global Site Manager Configuration.

Site and API Scope will populate by default. To set up your Webroot connection, fill in the correct information into the Client ID, Client Secret, GSM Parent Key, Super Admin, and Admin Password.

You can find the GSM Parent Key in Webroot via the settings page in Webroot.