Currently we can support receiving text messages on your existing phone number if that number is a landline . VoIP and mobile numbers are not supported.  If you're unsure what kind of phone number you have, contact support and we'll look up the number for you.

We also can port any existing phone number (including VOIP and mobile) to our service, but when ported the number will only be useful for texting and will not be able to be used for voice service.  This is not a good option for your existing voice line, but might be an option if you have obtained a set of similar number (Ex: "Call us at 555-555-1000 or text us at 555-555-1001").

Terms and Conditions for Number Porting

The cost to port a number to be used for Tixt will cost a one time setup fee of $500 and can take from 2 to 4 weeks to complete the process with Twilio. If for any reason, Twilio rejects the porting number we are not responsible or liable. When you port a number to us, you will no longer be able to receive incoming calls to the provided number. The porting process will begin upon receipt of the setup fee. Gozynta will do our best to honor future requests to port the number away, but we’re subject to the terms and conditions outlined in our partner’s service agreement in regards to number porting and port-away requests.  (Please contact us for more information)

You have the right to port the number out after three months of service with Tixt. At that time, there will be a $150 service charge for porting the number out and we are bound by Twilio’s terms of porting outlined above.

Toll Free Numbers

We are able to port over 1-800 numbers.  Your subscription for Tixt will be an additional $5 per month.  The porting fee will be the same as above and all the conditions above apply.  It is important to note that with Toll Free Numbers there is no support for MMS which means no pictures, videos and no support for long messages.  Gozynta will not provide support for issues that come from lack of MMS.