Known Issue: Product Category Mapping (779)


When creating a new product in ConnectWise PSA and the product is mapped to an existing category in QuickBooks Online, The product fails to be created. 

Normal behavior: Products categories are mapped as follows: Product_Category:Product This allows the product to be created in QuickBooks Online under the correct Category

Bug: Products Fail to Create with the following error: Names must have at least one character and cannot include tabs, newlines ot ":". We have seen a few variations of this error. 

Creating Item "Category:item" in QuickBooks Online If Necessary
Failed to create Item with error:
Business Validation Error: Not a valid product or service name. Names must have at least one character and cannot include tabs, newlines or ':'.
This Item was used on the following transactions:
*Invoice #, Line (ID #) with description "item"


  1. Create the product in QuickBooks Online and assign it to the correct Product Category. Re-run the batch

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