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How Does Gozynta Mobius work? Are there any demo videos?

What Gozynta Mobius does is as easy as A, Bee, C. It connects ConnectWise Manage to QuickBooks Online. When invoices are created in Manage, Gozynta Mobius can copy them to QuickBooks Online. When payments are created against those invoices in QuickBooks Online, it copies those payments to Manage. In addition, it copies expenses and inventory information from Manage to QuickBooks Online. It would be best if you were a busy bee to get all that data inputted and up to date. Gozynta Mobius does it in a click.

Mobius Demo Videos

What are the starting rates for Mobius? 

When purchasing a Gozynta subscription, customers can choose monthly billing or annual billing (2 months free!) Annual Pricing is non-refundable. All subscriptions require Onboarding.  Onboarding is free if the annual subscription is purchased. Our Onboarding is not just software setup but is conducted by a financial specialist to get your numbers in the right place to tell your financial story correctly. 

Billed Monthly:

Billed Annually:

How do I sign up for Mobius?

You can sign up for Gozynta Mobius by navigating to and selecting a plan. After submitting your information, you will receive an email with setup instructions. 


What are the QuickBooks Online system requirements?

In order to use Gozynta Mobius for QuickBooks Online Integration, you must have the following on your network and/or your machine(s):

  • Your Manage software must be setup up with login credentials that have access to the Accounting features of Manage. Additionally, your Manage software must have its Accounting Package configured. See ConnectWise Manage Configuration.

  • Your Manage software must be set up with credentials with access to the REST API. See ConnectWise Manage Configuration.

  • You must have a QuickBooks Online account set up with a login that will be used. 

  • Internet Access: An Internet connection is required.

How do you Configure ConnectWise, to begin with Gozynta Mobius?

Before using the Gozynta Mobius website, you must ensure that Manage is configured to allow the site access to the accounting system and the REST API.

Here is a link with more instructions: How do you Configure ConnectWise, to begin with, Gozynta Mobius

How do I configure Gozynta Mobius?

When logging in to Gozynta Mobius for the first time, your home page will show a "Configurations" section of the user dashboard page. The first required step is to configure your ConnectWise Manage connection. You can click either the Configure ConnectWise or the Set Up ConnectWise link in the Configurations section or navigational sidebar, respectively."

Here is a link with more instructions: How do I configure Gozynta Mobius


Auto-Sync isn't working

Auto-sync can stop running for a few reasons:

  • Consistent errors in batches 
  • QuickBooks Online has a security feature where it will disconnect and therefore auto-sync will stop running.

Why didn't my payments sync back to Connectwise?

Auto-sync disconnects can cause payments to not sync back to Connectwise from QuickBooks Online. The fix would be to navigate in Mobius to Run New Batch>>Run Payment Sync and select the date where you've noticed missing payments. The payments will start syncing back.

GL Mapping Errors

GL Accounts are your account maps. GL Accounts in ConnectWise need to be the same as your QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts. This is how Mobius knows what bucket your expenses, revenue, and COGs need to go into. When setting up your GL Accounts in Manage, you need them to map to a corresponding Chart of Account entry.

Here are some articles with more information:

Customer Mapping

Companies in Manage are mapped to Customers in QuickBooks Online. The “Account” and “Company” fields on the Manage Finance > Company Finance screen need to match the “Company” and “Display name as” fields on the Customers > Customers > Customer Information screen in QuickBooks Online. If a Customer in Manage has an invoice to be imported into QuickBooks Online and the customer does not exist in QuickBooks Online, a new Customer will be created in QuickBooks Online automatically.

Here is a link with more information: Customer Mapping


How to prevent Specific Transactions from being batched

If you currently have transactions in Manage that you don't want to send to QuickBooks for whatever reason (perhaps you've already manually created them in QuickBooks or a different accounting system?), you can mark them as batched in Manage so Mobius will ignore them.

Here is a link with more information: Prevent Syncing