
Your Gozynta Mobius account has AutoSync enabled, but it was unable to start a batch. Please review your account to ensure it is configured correctly. It is possible your connection to ConnectWise Manage or QuickBooks Online has been lost, or your Mobius Connect subscription is in a non-Active state.
-- The Gozynta Team


AutoSync can disconnect for a number of reasons and unfortunately are outside our span of control. Here are a few reasons why they may have failed:

  • AutoSync Batch Fails
  • Consistent errors in batches 
  • QuickBooks Online has a security feature where it will disconnect and therefore auto-sync will stop running.
  • Token request failure from ConnectWise API (This has been improved in V1.12)
  • Token request failure from QuickBooks Online API


Verify you have no failed batches. If you do have failed batches, correct the issues and rebatch the invoices, expenses, or purchase orders. Once the successfully complete, Please re-enable AutoSync. 

Please review the following knowledge base article that explains how to turn it on: AutoSync Module