
"QuickBooks Online requires expenses to an offset account type of "Bank" or "Credit Card". 


  • In order to resolve this issue, you would have to first navigate to the chart of accounts on QuickBooks Online, this can be done by selecting Accounting from the left side of QuickBooks Online page and clicking on the chart of accounts.

  •  After that, you search for the name of the account that received the error in Mobius. For instance, if the error said Expense Purchases failed, you would search for that name in the search bar. Once found, click View Register under the actions bar, then click Edit.


Usually, the account type is set to Accounts Payable which is where the error comes from. You would change this by :

  1. Setting the Account Type to Bank
  2. Detail Type is set to Cash on hand,  
  3. The Name has to match the expense name you've set in Connectwise PSA 

For credit cards, the account tab would be changed to the following:

  1. Setting both Account/Detail Type to Credit Card.