In order to use the Email Invoices to Customer feature from within Mobius, you will need to configure your email settings. 

Important Note: Emailing invoices from Mobius will use the "Bill To" contact information on the Company Fiance screen in ConnectWise PSA. 

Step 1: Click on the Email settings on the left-handed side of the screen. 

Step 2: Upload a company logo and enter your company website.

Step 3: If you are using Gozynta Payments you will need to make sure that the payments domain was populated, and enter your mailing address. During this step, the Verify button will not be active yet. 

NOTE: You won't be able to verify the payments domain until you have finished the email setup.

Step 4: In this step, you are going to want to either select the default mail server or use your own. For the purpose of this document, I am going to select default. Then you are going to want to enter the name you wish to have displayed on the email as the sender and the email address you wish to have as the reply-to address on your emails.

NOTE:  During this step, you won't be able to select the domain just yet. We will do that after your domain has been verified. 

Step 5: Enter your company's domain name, then click "Add Domain."

Step 6: Copy all the settings for the domain. Then input that information into your DNS Settings on your Domain Providers website. 

Step 7: Once you have updated the DNS Settings click the verify button in Mobius. If you entered everything correctly then you will see the status go from yellow to green.

Step 8: Once you are verified you will now see the domain name available in the drop-down under the email address. This is where you will enter the email address you would like these emails to come from. 

NOTE: Choose to use your own to connect directly to your SMTP mail server, or the Default option to configure your DNS to allow emails to be sent through SendGrid’s API. 

Step 9: Now that your email preferences have been verified and setup you need to go back to the top of this page and verify your payments domain. Click the verify button next to your payments domain. Once it has been verified you will see a green checkmark show up next to "Payments Domain Verified:".