
Validating ConnectWise PSA Accounting Package Setup
Encountered ConnectWise API Error: 403: You do not have security permission to perform this action


We have now set up a validation of your Accounting Package! This new validation is to help you know what you are missing in your Accounting Package setup table by giving you a warning if your Accounting Package is not set up correctly. 

You will need to update your custom security role for this new validation to work. If your custom security role has not been updated to include the new security permissions you will receive the following warning message. 


Once your security role has been updated our Accounting Package validation will let you know if you are missing any settings in your Accounting Package setup table. You will see a warning like this image, letting you know which settings you are missing. 



Please update your Custom Security Role to have the following permissions added.

System> Table Setup > Click Customize next to table set up

        Allow Access to: 

            General Ledger / Accounting Package

If your Accounting Package setup is complete you will see this change from a Warning to a Completed Successfully!