
Tax Code mapping NAME. Level Mismatch: ConnectWise PSA Tax Code NAME A has 0 levels, QuickBooks Online Tax Code NAME B has 1 level. 


The tax  code levels in ConnectWise PSA has more/less levels than QuickBooks Online. Both Systems must match tax code levels. 


1. Check that the number of levels for the Tax code in question matches between ConnectWise PSA and QuickBooks. 

2. Check that the tax codes have been mapped in Gozynta Mobius integration under Set up QuickBooks Online > Tax. At times, the error message will indicate a Tax Mapping from ConnectWise PSA is missing in Mobius. To add the tax code, under the Taxes tab, click Add Mapping and add the missing tax.

3. Check that the tax code has Tax Agency Cross-reference defined in ConnectWise PSA.


Please review the following articles for additional information.

  1. Tax mappings