If you have Automated Sales Tax enabled, Gozynta Mobius will copy the tax amount from the ConnectWise PSA invoice to the QuickBooks Online invoice. The tax amount will show up in the Sales Tax line on the invoice and will be recalculated by QuickBooks Online (so your tax calculations in QuickBooks Online need to be correct.) QuickBooks Online will decide which tax agencies to map the taxes to. Gozynta Mobius populates the "ShipTo" address on the invoice if that data is in ConnectWise PSA. QuickBooks Online uses the "ShipTo" address, or the "Location of Sale" address to figure out tax agencies. We don't currently modify "Location of Sale."

Note that QuickBooks does not allow the transfer of taxes with Purchase Orders. However, you can bypass this by enabling the taxes as line items module in Gozynta Mobius.
Custom Tax Rates
Taxes in ConnectWise map to a tax agency in QuickBooks Online. Custom tax rates are used in QuickBooks Online to override a tax agencies rate. Since Mobius copies your calculated taxes in ConnectWise and maps them to the tax field in QuickBooks Online, you can set your custom tax rate in ConnectWise and QuickBooks Online will map this to the correct tax agency based on the "Ship To" address defined on the invoice.
Note: Custom Tax Rates in QuickBooks Online can be defined to adjust the taxes collected on an invoice generated from QuickBooks Online and does not affect how Mobius calculates or batches taxes. The taxes on any invoice, regardless if a custom tax rate has been set, will be mapped to a Tax Agency defined based on the Ship To address.