With a few clicks, you can set it and forget it. Have your invoices, expenses, procurement's and payments flow over to QuickBooks Online automatically. We'll let you know by email if we have any issues getting them over. By default any Mobius User accounts will be checked to receive these emails. If you wish to have anyone else receive these error messages via email, then you can enter them into the blank box below the Mobius Users email address.
When first using the AutoSync Module, you will find it is disabled by default.
How to Use the Auto Sync Module
Step 1
Log into Mobius. Click on "Set up QuickBooks Online". Click on your QuickBooks Online Company. Then select the AutoSync Tab.
Step 2
Click the Enabled button to begin using AutoSync.
Step 3
Choose how often transactions should automatically sync over to QuickBooks Online (default is 120 mins).
Step 4
Choose which items you would like to sync by checking or un-checking Invoices, Expenses, Procurement and Payments.
Step 5
Click Save and Close to save your changes.
NOTE: Batches will only start if there are unposted transactions ready to be batched in ConnectWise PSA at the time of the AutoSync.
In order to successfully turn on AutoSync the following steps must be complete.
- You must successfully run an invoice, expenses and procurement sync.
- Tax Mapping must be complete.
- All invoice must be batched manually
Note: If there are errors with Auto-Sync module batches, it can cause Auto-Sync to turn off.
Please refer to our AutoSync Disconnected Knowledge Base Article for additional information.