It is necessary for the person who is setting up the Gozynta Mobius automation to understand how the GL Interface works in ConnectWise PSA.  They must understand how the data structured in ConnectWise PSA impacts the financial data that goes into QuickBooks Online.

You must understand the GL Accounts Setup Tables in ConnectWise PSA. You want to look at how detailed you want your financial data to be sent to QuickBooks Online and understanding these setup tables is the key to getting the data you want. The General Ledger Accounts Matrix is a great tool that ConnectWise PSA offers to help you learn more about GL Setup. 

It is also important that your Accounting is set up correctly in ConnectWise PSA.  Ensure that you have completed all of the following steps and it is part of your procedure.  Accounting Checklist. If you need assistance in setting up your chart of accounts, ConnectWise PSA has a nice standard one to start with.

When setting up your GL mappings, it's important to follow these guidelines:


The same product must always map to the same GL Account.  If you don’t do this then you will have invoice lines that go to a different GL account than what’s mapped in ConnectWise PSA.  Use Product Category/Product Subcategory OR Individual Product as your Mapped Types for ALL products.


If your “Service Item Source” setting in Gozynta Mobius is set to “Service-[GL Account]” or “[GL Account]” then service lines can safely use any GL mapping that you want.

If your “Service Item Source” setting in Gozynta Mobius is set to any Work Role/Work Type settings, you must set up your GL mappings by the same combination of Work Role/Work Type.



QuickBooks Online and ConnectWise PSA have different ideas about the relationship between Items and GL Accounts.
ConnectWise PSAdoesn’t relate the two at all.  An item (let’s use “Patch Cable” as an example) can have a different GL Account on every invoice, depending on how you set up your invoices.


Invoice 1: Patch Cable - Managed Services: Parts

Invoice 2: Patch Cable - Break-Fix: Parts

QuickBooks Online assumes that once you’ve created an item, that item will ALWAYS go to the same GL account.  (the Income account in the Product/Service information screen).

This is very important to understand and keep in mind when setting up your GL mappings in ConnectWise PSA.

When we batch over an invoice to QuickBooks Online, we get the Item and GL Account that ConnectWise PSA has defined for the invoice we’re working on.  If the item doesn’t exist, then we create it using the GL Account on that invoice.  However, if the item already exists, then we just add it to the invoice.  So, if we go back to our first example, you’ll get this:

This is very important to understand and keep in mind when setting up your GL mappings in ConnectWise PSA.

When we batch over an invoice to QuickBooks Online, we get the Item and GL Account that ConnectWise PSA has defined for the invoice we’re working on.  If the item doesn’t exist, then we create it using the GL Account on that invoice.  However, if the item already exists, then we just add it to the invoice.  So, if we go back to our first example, you’ll get this:

CW Manage

Invoice 1: Patch Cable - Managed Services:Parts

Invoice 2: Patch Cable - Break Fix:Parts

QuickBooks Online

Invoice 1: Patch Cable - Managed Services:Parts

Invoice 2: Patch Cable - Managed Services:Parts

For service lines, ConnectWise PSA doesn’t provide us an Item at all, but QuickBooks Online still requires the Item field to be used (unlike many other accounting systems QuickBooks Online invoices never map directly to a GL account).  So we use the Service Item Source setting to determine what to use for the item name.  We recommend setting this to one of the settings that include [GL Account].  This will ensure that your service invoice lines always go to the GL account you expect.  We offer the Work Role/Work Type options for companies that have decided that they don’t want the GL Account name visible on their QuickBooks Online invoices.  Those settings are reasonable to use only when you're doing your GL mapping using those same fields.