
The Sales tab stores AR related options for transactions transferred into QuickBooks Online.

  • Display UOM: If enabled, unit of measure will be appended to transaction detail description field for products and services. 

  • Invoice Export Detail: Export Detail to default to on create invoice batch screen. This option can be overridden on the batching interface. For examples please review the following article: What details get brought over based on Default, Condensed, or Detailed?

    • Default - This invoice will post with minimal information. The description on the QuickBooks invoice will state Service for any labor billed.

    • Condensed - This invoice will post the following details with the summary information as follows:

      • ConnectWise standard invoice for projects - Project name / project phase
      • ConnectWise standard invoice for service tickets - Ticket number / summary line
      • ConnectWise standard invoice for more than one ticket on an invoice - These will be separated out by ticket number
    • Detailed - This invoice will enable you to carry over the following items in a text-only format:

      • Ticket # [srnumber]
      • Work role [workroledescription]
      • Work type [worktypedescription]
      • Resource [memberfirstandlastname]
      • [srsummary]
      • [time entry notes]
      • Hours (in decimals)
      • Rate (amount x quantity)
  • Service Item Source: Specifies how service items (invoice lines with no ItemID) will be created in QuickBooks Online. Gozynta Mobius requires creating “Service” items in QuickBooks Online to successfully map GL Accounts for invoice lines that have no Manage products. This option tells the integration how you would like those products created. Please note that Work Role and/or Work Type require batching with the Detailed Export Option.  See this article for more information on Service Item Source.

    • For additional details please refer to the following knowledge base article: Service Item Source

  • Transfer Attachments: If enabled, attachments will be transferred to QuickBooks Online for invoices, credit memos, and expenses.

  • Allow EPayments: Allows applying EPayment options of IPN Payments, Online Payments, Credit Card Payments of ACH Payments. Requires Merchant details or QuickBook Payments account be established in QuickBooks Online Payments Settings. Also called QuickBook Payments. This must be checked to allow any of the four payment options.

  • Allow Credit Card Payments: If EPayments is enabled, this option will mark invoices to allow Credit Card Payments.

  • Allow ACH Payments: If EPayments is enabled, this option will mark invoices to allow ACH Payments and will click the "Free Bank Transfer Online Payment" checkbox on the invoice.