The Taxes tab in Gozynta Mobius will store tax mapping-related information and is where you complete the mapping for taxes.
Tax Code Mappings: Add explicit tax code mappings for transaction transfers. The dropdown on the left, "Select ConnectWise PSA Tax," will have a list of your taxes in ConnectWise PSA. The dropdown on the right, "Select QuickBooks Online Tax," will have a list of your taxes in QuickBooks Online. You can add as many tax mappings as necessary. You can map many different ConnectWise PSA tax codes to the same QuickBooks Online tax code, but you can only map a ConnectWise PSA tax code once.
- Using Tax Code Mappings is highly recommended. If a tax code is not mapped, then the integration will use the mapping provided by ConnectWise PSA for the corresponding transaction. This mapping may not be supported in QuickBooks Online.
- There is an additional level of validation that occurs for non-US QuickBooks Online Connections. (Please see additional information below "Intuit Account outside the US")
Exempt Sales Tax Code: Select a QuickBooks Online Tax Code to default to on all non-taxable Sales. Leave blank to map from the ConnectWise PSA transaction.
Tax-Exempt Items: This option does not apply to the US version of QuickBooks Online. (Please see "Intuit Account Outside the US" below)
Intuit Account Outside the US
Both US and non-US Intuit accounts support multiple Tax Levels. However, US Intuit accounts roll up Tax Codes per invoice, while non-US accounts calculate Tax Levels on a per-line basis. As a result, if you are connecting to a QuickBooks Online account outside the US, an additional layer of validation will be applied to your Tax Code Mappings. You can determine your country type by checking the Locale field on the Connection Tab:
If the Locale is non-US, then you'll notice additional validation requirements when adding a tax code mapping on the Taxes tab.
The tax code levels will be displayed in a bulleted list under each respective tax code. For each Tax Code mapping, the listed number of levels in ConnectWise PSA (on the left) must match the listed number of agencies in QuickBooks Online (on the right). If the list counts do not match, then you will not be able to save the mapping and you will receive an error. For example, in the above screenshot, the "COMPLEX" tax code in ConnectWise PSA has 5 levels, while the "GST/PST" tax code in QuickBooks Online has only 2 agencies. since the list counts do not match, an error is thrown.
Please note that for Non-US Intuit Accounts, the Tax Rates, Names, and other information will not be validated. The integration will only validate the number of levels.
There is another field, Tax Exempt Items, that is available for non-US accounts. In this field, you can type to search for ConnectWise PSA products and map them to the "Exempt Sales Tax Code" default that you specified earlier on the Taxes tab.