
There are many reasons why an invoice may have been unable to transfer over to QuickBooks Online. Most of these can be found within the invoice batch and resolved by correcting the error displayed. There are rare instances where there is no error displayed. This article reviews both types.


Errors Found


If errors were found while attempting the transfer from ConnectWise PSA to QuickBooks Online, the status will be shown as “Failed” and will provide a brief message as to why the Action did not succeed.


If any Actions appear to have failed then the issue causing the failure must be resolved, and the batch must be run again. If the error persists, or you need assistance resolving the issue please see Customer Support.

No Errors display

On rare occasion, your instance may flash, display a circle, and bring you back to the dashboard view. This can be caused by a few reasons. 

API Security Level is not set correctly

You will want to verify Custom security role has been set with the proper permissions.

API Connection with ConnectWise PSA is unstable

You will need to regenerate and re-enter a new set of API Keys. Our ConnectWise PSA Configuration knowledge base article provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a new set of keys.

API Members System Level is set too low

Your API System Level should be set at Level 1.

Navigate to System > Members > API Members > Select the Mobius API Member

Verify System level is set to Level 1.

NOTE: Setting this to Level 2 or 3 (depending on your organizational structure) will only allow invoices set at this specific level to transfer over to QuickBooks Online. 

Example: Level is set to Level 3 however an invoice was created for a company who is part of the Level 2 organizational structure. Mobius will transfer all invoices for Companies set at Level 3 but leave behind all invoices for Companies set at Level 2.