
Companies in ConnectWise PSA are mapped to Customers in QuickBooks Online. The “Account” and “Company” fields on the ConnectWise PSA Finance > Company Finance screen need to match the “Company” and “Display name as” fields on the Customers > Customers > Customer Information screen in QuickBooks Online. If a Customer in ConnectWise PSA has an invoice to be imported into QuickBooks Online and the customer does not exist in QuickBooks Online, a new Customer will be created in QuickBooks Online automatically. 

How this works varies depending on if you have the "Append account name" option set in your Gozynta Mobius configuration.

NOTE: Due to the way QuickBooks Online receives data, you cannot include the following Unicode special characters {  ‘ , ’ “ , ”  } .

With Append Account Disabled

Note: When you have Append Account Disabled in Mobius, you MUST have the company and account ID in ConnectWise PSA the same as seen in the image below. If you do not you will run into further issues. All four of these locations need to have the exact same name.

The advantage of disabling the Append Account option is that you have shorter names in QuickBooks, and it can make it easier to match ConnectWise PSA companies with QuickBooks companies that were created in the past. The disadvantage is that if you end up creating two companies in ConnectWise PSA with the same Company Name, then you will get the "The name supplied already exists. Another Customer, Vendor, or Employee is already using this name. Please use a different name” error message when trying to sync invoices for the second company. This will often occur when a client is also a vendor or if you are using Payroll through QuickBooks Online and transferring employee expenses. 

Each Vendor, Client and Employee's name must be unique. If you do have clients that are also vendors, you will want to label each client with "_C" in both the Company Field and Account ID Field.

With Append Account Enabled


This option combines both the Company Name and the Account ID from ConnectWise PSA into the Display Name in QuickBooks. ConnectWise PSA will let you create two companies that both have the same Company Name, but Account ID must be unique.  QuickBooks on the other hand requires the Display Name to be unique.  By copying the Account ID into the Display Name you will be protected from conflicts when two Manage companies have the same Company Name. Consider adding a "_C" at the end of the Account ID to differentiate this account as a Client account. 

Additional Resources

Please review our Customer Mapping (Best Practice) Article for our recommended setup


The name supplied already exists. Another Customer, Vendor, or Employee is already using this name. Please use a different name