What are GL Accounts?

GL Accounts are your account maps. GL Accounts in ConnectWise PSA need to be the same as your QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts. This is how Mobius knows what bucket your expenses, revenue, and COGs need to go into. When setting up your GL Accounts in ConnectWise PSA you will need them to map to a corresponding Chart of Account entry. The below instructions will show you how to map GL Accounts by Name and by Account Number. 

GL Accounts By Name

GL Accounts in ConnectWise PSA = Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online

The “Account” field on the System > Setup Tables > GL Accounts table in ConnectWise PSA must be consistent with the “Name” field on the Company > Chart of Accounts > Account screen in QuickBooks Online.

Note: The fields are case-sensitive and values have match exactly.
Note: Accounts will not be automatically created in QuickBooks Online if they are not found. An error message will be raised when attempting to push transactions.

GL Accounts By Number

GL Accounts in ConnectWise PSA = Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online

If you wish to map by the account number field in QuickBooks Online you will need to have the “Account” field on the System > Setup Tables > GL Accounts table in ConnectWise PSA must be consistent with the “Number” field on the Company > Chart of Accounts > Account screen in QuickBooks Online.

Note: To use Account Number mapping you will first need to make sure "Enable Account Numbers" is on in your QuickBooks Online Company. 
Note: Accounts will not be automatically created in QuickBooks Online if they are not found. An error message will be raised when attempting to push transactions.

For Sub Account mapping see this article for more information on how to map sub-accounts properly. GL Sub-Account Mapping

It is important to note that any time that you make changes to your GL Account Mapping you need to open and then close any closed invoices that use that mapping for it to change.  Once you have done that you can then successfully run the batch in QuickBooks Online to show the new account. More on this here.

How to turn on Account Numbers in QuickBooks Online

GL Account Definitions 

These are taken directly from ConnectWise University. Please see additional resources for the entire Matrix

Accounts Receivable

Records the Accounts Receivable amount for the transaction and should be attached to an Accounts Receivable account in your accounting package.

Accounts Payable

Records the Accounts Payable amount for the transaction and should be attached to an Account Payable account in your accounting package.


Records all revenue generated from a billing time that is not covered by an Agreement. It should be connected with an Income account in your accounting package.

Deferred Revenue

Records any revenue generated from prepayments such as Downpayment Invoices and prepaid agreements. Once the revenue associated with the records is obtained, the Deferred Revenue account is charged. It should attach to an Other Current Liability account in your accounting package.


Records all revenue generated from billing products not covered by an agreement. It should be attached to an Income account in your accounting package.


Records revenue generated from billing Agreements using the Billing Amount field in the Recurring Invoicing Parameters pod of the Agreement. It should be attached to an Income account in your accounting package.

Revenue-Agreement Product

Records the revenue that was generated as a product attached to the Additions tab of an agreement. It should be linked to an Income account in your accounting package.

Product Discount

Records all values entered in the Adjustment field of the Product screen when products are added to records such as Opportunities, Sales Orders, etc. It's not visible in the Product Catalog screen and only available on individual product records. When the field is in use, it records a negative transaction. The type should map to an Income account within your accounting package.

Sales Tax Payable

Records the sales tax amount from the transaction. It should be linked to an Other Current Liability account in your accounting package.

Expense Tax

**For use by UK and Canadian partners** Records the tax amount associated with expenses paid by employees. It should be attached to a Sales Tax Payable account in your accounting package.

Expense Offset

Records non-reimbursable expenses logged in your instance of Manage. It's usually linked to a Credit Card or Other Current Liability account in your accounting package and used when expenses are not paid by the employee.

Expense Internal

Records expenses entered against your company and should be attached to an Expense account in your accounting package. The internal company is on the My Company screen > Owner tab > Time, Expense, and Billing Setup Options section.

Expense External

Records expenses entered against companies that are separate from your internal company. It should be attached to an Expense account in your accounting package.


Records all revenue generated from expenses to a client that is not covered by an agreement. It should be attached to an Income account in your accounting package.

Inventory Adjustments

Records changes made in product inventories using the Procurement Add-On. It should link to a Cost of Goods Sold account in your accounting package.

Inventory Transfer

Records the movement of existing assets in your instance of Manage. It carries no direct cost or revenue implications and used when moving inventory between Warehouses/Warehouses bins. The type should link to an Inventory Asset account in your accounting package.

Purchase Order Freight

Records costs entered into the Freight Cost field of Purchase Orders. It should be linked to a Cost of Goods Sold account in your accounting package and requires that the COGS and Product ID fields have information entered in addition to the Account field. The Product ID field should map to a corresponding item in the package. If no freight cost is entered or is not marked Closed on the Purchase Order, then no GL entry is created.

Purchase Order Freight Tax

**For use by UK partners** Records the tax amount associated with purchase order freight amounts. It should connect with a Sales Tax Payable account in your accounting package.

Purchase Order Product Tax


ConnectWise University - GL Accounts Matrix - This is an external link and will require authentication