
Reimbursable expenses in ConnectWise PSA are created as Bills in QuickBooks Online. Therefore, for each Member with an expense, a Vendor will need to be set up in QuickBooks Online that corresponds to the Member. The Mobius integration will automatically create the Vendor in Quickbooks Online the first time the Member is present in a batch. 

The “VendorNumber” field on the ConnectWise PSA System > Members screen needs to match the “Company” field on the Vendors > Vendor Information screen in QuickBooks Online. 

With Append Account Enabled

This option is recommended as it will help prevent naming conflicts. This option creates the Vendor in QuickBooks Online with the Vendor Number in parentheses in the Display name. 

The First and Last name of the Member in ConnectWise PSA will map to the Display name in QuickBooks Online. 

The VendorNumber field in ConnectWise PSA will map to the Company field in QuickBooks Online.

With Append Account Enabled - The VendorNumber field in ConnectWise PSA will also map to the Display Name in QuickBooks Online in parentheses. 

With Append Account Disabled

The First and Last name of the Member in ConnectWise PSA will map to the Display name in QuickBooks Online. 

The VendorNumber field in ConnectWise PSA will map to the Company field in QuickBooks Online.

Additional Resources

Member Mapping - Best Practice