Agreement Mapping

The Agreement Mapping interface is used to tell the Integration how to calculate Additions on Company Agreements. It does so by allowing you to map a Site or a Group in the Global Site Manager to a Company Agreement within Manage.

Navigate to the Mappings interface by following the “Agreement Mappings” link in the navigational sidebar. 

Add a Mapping

At the top of the page you will see an “Add New Mapping” control.

Select a Manage Company, Agreement for that Company, and a Manage Product. All of these are selected from a dropdown that is populated from the Manage API. 

Then, select a GSM Site (and optionally a Group). The selected Site (or Group) will be mapped to the Addition and Product selected above. This means that the Agreement within Manage will have an Addition created against it for the Selected Product and the selected Site (or Group) will be used to update quantities on the Agreement Addition.

Then select either “Point in Time” or “Fair Use” for your Endpoint Tally Method. The Webroot API endpoint URLs used are below:

  • /sites/site_key/endpoints

  • /sites/site_key/groups/group_id/endpoints

Billing Periods

Point in Time

If Point in Time is selected, All Endpoints that are active at the time that the synchronization is run will be counted and applied toward the quantity on the Manage Agreement Addition (subtracting the Less Included value).

If the Site Agreement mapping has a Group, then

Quantity = endpoint TotalEndpoints

If the Site Agreement mapping does not have a Group, then

Quantity = count of endpoints that are NOT Deactivated

Optionally, you can also enter an integer number for “Less Included.” Less Included will directly update the Less Included field on the Agreement Addition within Manage.

Fair Use

If “Lookback Days” is selected, enter an integer number to represent the number of days to look back.

  1. Billing Period will use Webroot Endpoint activity during the Current Manage Agreement billing period to calculate a quantity for the Agreement Addition.

If the Site Agreement mapping uses Billing Period, then

If the Manage Agreement has an Invoice, then

Start Date = the Manage Agreement Invoice date 

End Date = Start Date + Manage Billing Cycle basis (7 days, or 1 month)

Start Date = End Date - Manage Billing Cycle basis (7 days or 1 month)

End Date = Manage Agreement billStartDate

  1. Lookback Days will look at Webroot Endpoint activity during the past X days to calculate the quantity for the Agreement Addition (where X is the integer entered in the text field.)

If the Site Agreement mapping uses Lookback Days, then

Start Date = The Current Date – the Site Agreement Lookback Days

End Date = The Current Date

The endpoint quantity will only be incremented for endpoints that are not deactivated during the corresponding timeframe. As a result, the quantity is calculated as follows:

  • Active

If the Webroot endpoint is not Deactivated, then

Last Seen Date = endpoint LastSeen

If Last Seen Date >= Start Date, then

Increase the quantity

  • Deactivated

If the Webroot endpoint is Deactivated, then 

Modified Date = endpoint ModifiedDate

If Start Date <= Modified Date <= End Date, 

Increase the quantity

Optionally, you can also enter an integer number for “Less Included.” Less Included will directly update the Less Included field on the Agreement Addition within Manage.

Review Existing Mappings

Below the “Add a Mapping” Controls is a control that shows existing mappings.

Here you can review existing mappings. You can also delete existing mappings. The Group column will be empty if the optional Group field was left empty when the mapping was created. The Billing Period/Lookback Days column will show “Billing Period” for mappings that were created using the Billing Period option. The number of lookback days will be shown for mappings that were created using the Lookback Days option.

Run Sync

Clicking the “Run Sync” link in the Navigational Sidebar will update all mapped Agreements in Manage as defined by their mapping rules.

If you leave the page open, it will refresh as the sync progresses and show the sync status of each individual mapping.

Review Existing Task

The “Review Existing Task” page allows you to review Recent Sync Tasks that have already been run. This history can be used to confirm Sync behavior and troubleshoot.

Click on an Agreement Sync record to see details about that Synchronization such as Status of the Sync, Errors that may have been encountered, Quantity that was set, and Manage Company Name, Manage Product Name, and Manage Agreement Name.